Wednesday, July 30, 2008


so in the next few months is what i like to call the "show season".  let me explain.  every fall for as long as i can remember i have been going to shows, let me rephrase.  since i have been steadily going to shows over the last 15 years or so, the fall has always been the great turn out.  and theres lots to be looking forward to, looooots!  heres a small list of some of the candidates.

jeremy enigk
the faint
jaguar love
portugal the man
the aquabats (of which i havent seen play in nearly 5 years)
hot water music
vampire weekend
tokyo police club
cut copy, the presets
valiant thorr
dr. dog
anthony green

it looks like its gonna be a good fall my friends...
a good fall indeed!!!


Nicklepickle said...

heyy! Thanks for coming over yesterday.. I'm so excited about your fabulous work! p.s. I could probably get you tickets for Valiant Thorr & Aquabats.. let me know if you are interested!

Anonymous said...

Rog here. I wish, I wish, I wish, wish, wish I could attend. with you. and. me. and you. You make. me. happy.

Anonymous said...

alot. happy.

melissa said...

WAIT.. youre goin to vampire weekend???? i realy really really really want to go!!! did you already get tickets? i love fall for show season too! amber and i are goin to minus the bear in november... come with! ps when is TPC playing again???

linda said...

hey! i'm going to mstrkrft and cut copy/presets with sean and others.

Teena said...

aquabats is always a FANTASTIK show